Union Française building was built on the lot that fronts two roads which are between Meşrutiyet Street and Minare Avenue at the back. The building which was designed as three-floored on a high basement floor, veneered with masonry and furnished with NPI I beam jack arch, has a plan scheme. Vallauri transversely divided the lot into three parts, and designed the middle part as a big hole, and two other parts on the sides as meeting rooms, library, and office function areas. In entrance axle, a bit staircase provides the direct connection with the upstairs. The façade facing Minare Avenue, as it falls below the avenue elevation because of the elevation, service volume has disintegrated at this part. Big staircases in first and second floor holes offer a vertical circulation. There is a multi-purpose hall which has a stage upstairs. The façade which faces Meşrutiyet Avenue of the building shows the characteristics of a neo-classical style. Façade is divided into three bigger spaces compared to the four pilasters which continue up to roof panel and others in the middle. Plasters are joined through composite lids below the eaves parapet. Despite this neo-classical layout, both the connection of the entrance with upstairs and also the height of meeting room changed this classical layout. Vallauri, by changing the classical compounds with composition tricks, brought the design to the style of end of 19th century or “Belle Epoque” line. Meeting room, by the differentiation of the classical ratios, stands out and a big space emerges which is supported by two consoles in both two ends. On the bottom surface of the consoles baroque suspension motif and oval one each medals. On one of the medals, “Insdustrie” which means industry in French and on another one “Commerce” meaning commerce in French are carved. Minare Avenue façade is on the other hand, has a rather simple layout. The building has experienced two fires and after two of them, it is sold to a commercial business and then it is repaired.
KAYNAK :flickr.com